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Is a 1480 SAT score good enough for Ivy League admission chances?

I recently took the SAT and scored a 1480. I was really hoping to have a shot at the Ivy League. Is this score high enough?

a year ago

A 1480 SAT score is definitely competitive, but it's important to note that Ivy League schools typically have higher average SAT scores. The 25th percentile of admitted students falls at around 1400-1460, depending on the specific Ivy League school, but the middle 50% is usually closer to 1450-1560, with the 75th percentile being in the mid-to-upper 1500s.

With that said, admissions to Ivy League schools are holistic, meaning that they consider a wide range of factors when reviewing applicants. Your SAT score is just one part of your application, and having a strong GPA, impressive extracurricular activities, and compelling essays can help offset a lower score.

While there are test-optional policies, your score should be higher than the 25th percentile of the Ivies, so we'd still recommend submitting it. Because it falls into the middle 50% range, it shouldn't disqualify you from getting your application considered.

In short, while a 1480 SAT score is good, improving your score could increase your chances of being admitted to these highly selective schools.

a year ago

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