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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does Duke University classify as a research university?

Hi all, Duke University has been on my radar as a potential college and I wanted to know if it's considered a research university. Are there many research opportunities available for undergrads? What disciplines are the strongest in research? Thanks for any insights!

a year ago

Hello! Yes, Duke University is classified as a research university. It has a very strong focus on research across various disciplines, allowing students to engage in unique educational experiences.

There are plenty of research opportunities available for undergrads, especially as they progress in their studies. Duke encourages students to participate in research programs, even establishing the Office of Undergraduate Research Support to assist students in finding and applying for these opportunities.

Duke is particularly well-known for its strengths in biomedical research, engineering, and environmental sciences. However, the university emphasizes interdisciplinary research, so you'll find intersections of disciplines resulting in exciting and innovative projects. Keep in mind that there are opportunities across all majors, so your interests will likely be well-accommodated. Best of luck in your college search!

a year ago

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