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Iowa University vs Iowa State

Hey guys, I'm torn between Iowa University and Iowa State for my college decision. Can anyone share their experiences at either school or provide some insights into the differences between the two? Thanks in advance!

22 days ago

Sure! Let me give you a brief comparison of the University of Iowa and Iowa State University, focusing on academics, campus life, and location.


The University of Iowa (often referred to as UIowa) is particularly strong in disciplines such as healthcare, liberal arts, and writing, boasting one of the nation's top creative writing programs, the Iowa Writers' Workshop. If you plan to study in these fields or are considering pre-med, UIowa may be a better fit for you.

On the other hand, Iowa State University (ISU) is known for its strong emphasis on engineering, agriculture, and design programs. If you're considering a career in STEM, ISU could be an excellent choice.

Campus Life:

The University of Iowa, located in Iowa City, offers a vibrant college town vibe with a mix of urban and rural settings. The school has a bustling arts and cultural scene, with numerous events and festivals throughout the year. Sports, such as college football, are also popular on campus, and you'll find various clubs and organizations to join.

Iowa State University, situated in Ames, is another lively college town. The campus has a strong sports culture as well, with various NCAA Division I athletic teams. ISU is a larger campus compared to UIowa, and it's known for its beautiful parks. There are also over 800 student organizations to choose from, providing ample opportunities to get involved.


Iowa City, home to UIowa, has a lively downtown area with shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. It's a UNESCO City of Literature, emphasizing its dedication to the arts and literary community. The city is also known for being highly walkable and bike-friendly.

Ames, where ISU is located, is a smaller city with a friendly community atmosphere. The city offers various local shops, restaurants, and parks. With its excellent school system and commitment to sustainability, Ames is often ranked as one of the best college towns and small cities to live in.

In summary, both universities have their own strengths, and the best choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and academic goals. Consider visiting each campus, if possible, and remember to take into account factors such as academic programs, campus atmosphere, and location when making your decision. Good luck!

22 days ago

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