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What is the annual cost of attending Texas A&M University?

So I've been looking into Texas A&M and I'm pretty curious about the cost of attending it per year. Can anybody help me with numbers for tuition, fees, and any other relevant expenses? I'd really appreciate it!

5 months ago

The annual cost of attending Texas A&M University can vary depending on factors like residency status and living arrangements. Here are the estimated costs for the 2023-2024 academic year for undergraduate students:

For Texas residents (living on-campus):

- Tuition & Fees: 5,642.63

- Housing & Food: $6,577.00

- Books & Supplies: $450.00

- Travel:$1,017.00

- Loan Fees:$30.00

- Personal Expenses:$1,680.00

Total: $15,396.63

For out-of-state students (living on-campus):

- Housing & Food: $6,577.00

- Books & Supplies: $450.00

- Travel:$1,720.00

- Loan Fees:$30.00

- Personal Expenses:$1,680.00

Total: $30,222.28

These are estimated costs and may vary depending on your specific circumstances and choices (like type of housing or meal plan). Keep in mind that these costs do not necessarily represent your final expenses, as you can potentially qualify for financial aid, scholarships, and grants to help offset these costs. To get a more personalized estimate tailored to your situation, you can use the net price calculator available on Texas A&M University's financial aid website.

Lastly, it's important to remember that these costs are subject to change each year, so always check the Texas A&M University website or reach out to their financial aid office for the most up-to-date information.

5 months ago

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