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Most popular majors at UC Berkeley?

I'm looking into UC Berkeley, and I'm wondering what the most popular majors are there. Are there any majors that tend to have more students or are known for being really strong at Berkeley?

5 months ago

UC Berkeley is well-regarded for a number of its programs, and many students choose to major in subjects in which the university particularly excels. Some of the most popular majors at UC Berkeley include:

1. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS): Berkeley is known for its strong programs in computer science and engineering. The EECS department is one of the top programs in the country and draws many talented students.

2. Economics: Another popular and highly regarded program at UC Berkeley is Economics. The department has a reputation for producing influential research and offering a rigorous curriculum.

3. Political Science: Given Berkeley's history and location, the Political Science department is also quite popular among students who are passionate about politics, policy, and public service.

4. Molecular and Cell Biology: With access to state-of-the-art research facilities, many students at Berkeley choose to major in Molecular and Cell Biology. This program is well-regarded for its cutting-edge research and strong faculty.

5. Psychology: The Psychology department at UC Berkeley is another popular major, known for its comprehensive curriculum and research opportunities in a variety of subfields.

6. Business Administration: Housed in the Haas School of Business, the undergraduate Business Administration program is highly sought-after, offering students a strong foundation in business skills and access to a vast alumni network.

These are just a few of the most popular majors at UC Berkeley, but the university offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines. Regardless of the major you choose, you can expect a high-quality education at this prestigious institution.

5 months ago

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