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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many AP classes do Ivy League schools expect?

Hey all! So how many AP classes would Ivy League universities typically expect an applicant to have taken? Is there a certain number they like to see, or is it more about the rigor of your courses? Thank you!

a year ago

Hey there! While there isn't a specific number of AP classes Ivy League schools expect applicants to have taken, it's definitely a good idea to challenge yourself with rigorous coursework. It's important to show that you can handle a demanding academic load, as this helps demonstrate your readiness for college-level classes.

Instead of focusing on a particular number of AP courses, prioritize subjects you're genuinely interested in or passionate about. This will help you excel in those subjects, and colleges usually prefer to see depth and focus in your study areas rather than a scattered approach with a bunch of different AP courses.

It's also important to remember that admissions officers consider more than just the number of AP classes you've taken. They look at your overall academic performance, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations. For example, my child was accepted into an Ivy League school with only a handful of AP courses in their high school curriculum because they showed dedication and excellence in those classes and in other aspects of their application.

Good luck! Remember to work hard and show passion in everything you do!

a year ago

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