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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any tips for researching colleges and universities?

As I begin my college search, I want to make sure I find the best fit for me in terms of academics, location, size, etc. Does anyone have any tips or strategies for researching colleges and universities effectively? I'm planning to major in political science and I'm open to any school type or location. Thank you!

a year ago

Hi! It's great that you're starting your college search and have an open mind about the type of school and location. Finding the perfect fit can be a bit overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can make the task enjoyable and exciting.

Start by making a list of your priorities—for example, school size, location, majors offered, cost, and campus culture. Be sure to visit college websites and jot down essential details about each institution. Additionally, sites like CollegeVine, BigFuture by The College Board, and U.S. News College Rankings offer valuable information on various aspects of schools, such as student life, faculty profiles, and financial aid.

Talking to current students or recent alumni can also provide insight into campus life, classes, and internship opportunities. Keep an eye out for college fairs and admissions sessions—they're a great way to connect with representatives who can answer any questions you might have.

When my own child started their college search, we visited a few schools and took campus tours. Physically being on campus can really give you a good feel for whether or not you can see yourself there. Even if you can't visit, many schools now offer virtual tours online.

Lastly, consider exploring schools' social media pages, where you can often get an inside look at student experiences and listen to their opinions. Good luck with your research! I'm sure you'll find the right college for you. Remember to be patient and open-minded during the process.

a year ago

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