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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Auburn location?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to the University of Auburn but I can't remember which state it's in. Can anyone help me out? Also, what are the campus and nearby area like?

29 days ago

The University of Auburn is located in Auburn, Alabama. The campus has a blend of historic and modern architecture, with plenty of green spaces, making it a picturesque place to study. Auburn is a college town and is known for its warm, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere, as well as its strong sense of community.

In the surrounding area, there are a variety of shops, restaurants, coffee houses, and entertainment options that cater to both students and locals. Additionally, the city of Auburn places great emphasis on outdoor recreational activities, with several parks, walking trails, and opportunities for biking nearby. The university also has a strong football culture, with many students and residents attending games at Jordan-Hare Stadium to support the Auburn Tigers. Overall, the University of Auburn and its surrounding area offer a vibrant, community-focused environment for students to live and learn.

29 days ago

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