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Texas State University: GPA Requirements?

Hello! I've heard mixed information about the GPA needed to get accepted at Texas State University. Can someone please clarify the general GPA requirements? I want to make sure I'm on the right track.

28 days ago

Hello! The general GPA requirements for Texas State University can vary depending on the applicant pool and the specific program you're applying to; however, based on the historical data, Texas State admits applicants with a wide range of GPAs. It's helpful to know the average GPA of admitted students to get a better understanding of where you stand.

For the Fall 2020 incoming freshman class, the average high school GPA was around 3.31 on a 4.0 scale. Keep in mind that this is the average, which means some students may have higher and some may have lower GPAs. As you work on your application, it's essential to focus on maintaining or improving your GPA and aligning it with other components of your application, such as standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays.

While there is no official minimum GPA requirement for general admission, you should aim for a strong GPA to increase your chances of being accepted. Texas State uses a holistic review process, taking into account your academic achievements, test scores, extracurricular activities, and other factors to make a decision.

Remember to research the specific requirements for your intended major or program at Texas State, as some programs might have different GPA requirements or additional criteria for admission. Good luck!

28 days ago

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