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What do Ivy League schools look for in candidates?

Hi all! I'm a junior trying to plan out the next year of my life, and I'd love it if someone could give me some insight into what Ivy League schools specifically look for in potential students. What factors really matter the most to them? Thank you!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're starting your college planning early. When it comes to Ivy League schools, they employ a holistic review process, meaning they look at various aspects of an applicant's profile. Here are some key factors they tend to consider:

1. Academic Performance: A strong academic background, including GPA, class rank, and rigor of coursework, is essential. They like to see a challenging curriculum and high grades.

2. Standardized Test Scores: High SAT or ACT scores can be a crucial factor. However, some schools have become test-optional due to the pandemic.

3. Extracurricular Activities: Demonstrating leadership, commitment, and passion in extracurriculars is vital. A diverse and well-rounded student is appealing to Ivy Leagues.

4. Essays: Compelling essays that showcase your unique personality, experiences, and growth can make a big difference.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Strong recommendations from teachers and mentors who know you well and can attest to your abilities are important.

Remember, every Ivy has its unique preferences and priorities, but focusing on these key areas will undoubtedly help your application stand out. Good luck!

a year ago

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