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Does Yale fall under the category of research universities?

I've recently started researching colleges and one of the universities I'm considering applying to is Yale. I wanted to confirm if it's considered a research university and if that distinction could impact my undergraduate experience. I'm planning on majoring in English literature.

a year ago

Yes, Yale University is indeed considered a research university. As a member of the Ivy League, it is renowned for its commitment to both undergraduate and graduate research, attracting scholars and researchers from around the world.

In terms of how this impacts your undergraduate experience, especially for an English literature major, it will provide you with access to a wealth of resources, such as libraries and special collections, that could enrich your academic journey. Furthermore, you'll be taught by world-class faculty who often actively engage in research and contribute to the field.

However, please keep in mind that research universities typically prioritize both research and teaching, which may create a more competitive atmosphere compared to smaller liberal arts colleges. Nonetheless, this offers unique opportunities to participate in faculty-mentored research projects, which could be beneficial for your future endeavors. As you finalize your college list, consider whether the environment of a research university like Yale aligns with the educational experience you seek.

a year ago

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