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Mizzou GPA requirements?

Hey guys! I'm in my junior year, and I've been looking into the University of Missouri (Mizzou) as a possible option for college. Does anyone know their GPA requirements or what I should be aiming for to have a better chance at admission? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hello! While the University of Missouri (Mizzou) does not have a strict GPA requirement, it's helpful to know what they are typically looking for in an applicant's academics. According to Mizzou's admissions data, most incoming freshmen have a high school GPA around a 3.52.

Of course, having a GPA in this range or higher can boost your chances of admission. Keep in mind that Mizzou has a holistic admissions process, so they'll consider other factors like your course rigor, extracurricular involvement, standardized test scores (if submitted), essays, and letters of recommendation. However, your GPA does play a key role in your application and higher GPAs usually lead to a higher acceptance rate.

In conclusion, aim for a GPA in line with what Mizzou typically sees (3.52) or higher and continue to focus on other aspects of your application. This can help increase your chances of being admitted to Mizzou. Good luck!

7 months ago

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