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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What's a Good GPA to Aim for Montclair State University?

Hey guys, I've been looking into Montclair State University and was wondering what a competitive GPA would be for admissions. Does anyone have any idea about their average accepted GPA?

25 days ago

Montclair State University is a moderately selective school with an acceptance rate around 91%. To give yourself a competitive edge in the admissions process, you should aim for a GPA higher than the average admitted student.

For Montclair State University, the average high school GPA of admitted students is around 3.3 on a 4.0 scale. However, aiming higher than this value will increase your likelihood of admission. Aiming for a GPA of 3.5 or higher would put you in a strong position for acceptance. Keep in mind that Montclair State also considers other factors, such as your standardized test scores (if submitted), extracurricular activities, and personal statement, in their holistic admissions process.

In summary, to have a competitive GPA for Montclair State University, aim for a 3.5 or higher. However, even if your GPA isn't in that range, a strong application with well-rounded extracurricular activities and strong essays can still help you gain admission.

25 days ago

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