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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Community Colleges Near Temecula

Hey everyone! I'm searching for community colleges near Temecula, California. Can anyone help me out by suggesting some good ones or sharing your experiences if you've attended one?

22 days ago

Hello! I'm happy to help provide information on community colleges near Temecula, California. There are several nearby community colleges that offer a variety of programs, courses, and transfer opportunities. Here are three community colleges located relatively close to the Temecula area:

1. Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC): Located about 20-30 minutes away from Temecula, MSJC offers a multitude of two-year degree programs, vocational training, and transfer opportunities to four-year universities. They have several campuses and education centers in Menifee, San Jacinto, and Temecula itself.

2. Palomar College: Situated in San Marcos, Palomar College is roughly a 30-40 minute drive from Temecula. The college offers over 200 associate degree and certificate programs, as well as transfer programs to four-year universities. They also have an education center in Fallbrook.

3. MiraCosta College: Located in Oceanside, MiraCosta is about a 40-50 minute drive from Temecula. MiraCosta has a strong focus on transfer programs and associate degrees, and they offer over 100 certificates. The college also features an extensive selection of online and night courses for students seeking flexible schedules.

Each of these community colleges has its own unique environment and focus, so I recommend exploring their websites and visiting their campuses if possible to determine which college aligns best with your educational goals and preferences. Good luck with your search!

22 days ago

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