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Diversity at Brown University

I've been looking into Brown University as one of my top choices, and I'd like to know more about the diversity on campus. Can anyone tell me about the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity there? How does the community feel for students of diverse backgrounds?

20 days ago

Brown University is considered to be quite diverse in many aspects, including racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity. However, it's important to note that experiences and perceptions of diversity can vary among individuals. Here's a general overview of the diversity at Brown:

Racial and Ethnic Diversity: According to the most recent data available, about 42% of Brown's undergraduate student body identify as students of color. The percentage breakdown of individual racial and ethnic identities (rounded) includes:

- White: 36%

- Asian: 17%

- Hispanic/Latino: 11%

- Black or African American: 8%

- Two or more races: 7%

- American Indian or Alaska Native: <1%

- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: <1%

Socioeconomic Diversity: Brown is committed to increasing access to higher education for students from diverse economic backgrounds. Although exact percentages of socioeconomic diversity are hard to pinpoint, it is worth noting that nearly 45% of Brown students receive need-based financial aid. Brown's financial aid policy also includes meeting 100% of demonstrated financial need for admitted students.

Community Feel: Although Brown is known for its diverse student body, the experiences of students from diverse backgrounds can differ. Some students thrive in Brown's inclusive and open-minded atmosphere, while others may have difficulty navigating the cultural or social landscape on campus. It's essential to talk to current or former students who have experiences similar to yours to get a more personal understanding of what it's like to be a part of Brown's community.

Brown offers various clubs, organizations, and academic enrichment programs to support and celebrate diversity, such as the Brown Center for Students of Color, the Undocumented, First-Generation College and Low-Income Student (U-FLi) Center, and affinity groups for various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Students have opportunities to connect with others from similar backgrounds and engage in broader conversations about diversity and inclusion on campus.

Overall, while Brown does have a relatively diverse student population, your experience on campus will largely depend on your background and individual perspective. It is recommended to visit the campus (if possible) or connect with current or former students to better understand your fit within the university community.

20 days ago

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