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What does a 1240 SAT score percentile mean?

Hi! So, I got a 1240 on the SAT and I'm confused about what the percentile means. Can someone explain how the percentiles work and if my score is decent?

7 months ago

Hi there! I'd be happy to clear up any confusion about SAT percentiles. The percentile represents the percentage of test-takers who scored at or below your score. So, if you scored in the 80th percentile, for example, this means that you performed better than or equal to 80% of test-takers.

A 1240 SAT score is typically around the 75th-80th percentile, depending on the exact test iteration. This means that you scored higher than or equal to 75%-80% of other test-takers. While this is a solid score, it's important to consider the context of the colleges you're interested in. If the schools on your list have average SAT scores close to or below 1240, you have a competitive score for those institutions. However, for more selective schools with higher average SAT scores, a 1240 may not be as competitive and you may want to consider retaking the test to aim for a higher score. Keep in mind that the SAT is just one part of your college application, and admissions officers will also consider other factors such as your grades, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.

To put things in further perspective, seek out the middle 50% SAT ranges of the schools you're considering. This range displays the scores of the middle 50% of admitted students, with 25% scoring above the range and 25% scoring below it. If your 1240 falls within or above the middle 50% range for a particular school, you'll have a decent shot in terms of your SAT score. If it falls below the range, you may want to bolster other aspects of your application or possibly retake the SAT.

Good luck, and I hope this explanation helps!

7 months ago

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