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SAT: 720 math
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What majors does Assumption College offer?

I'm currently looking into Assumption College as a potential school for me. I'm curious about what kind of majors they offer, especially in the sciences and humanities. Can anyone give me some more information on their programs?

7 months ago

Assumption College, now known as Assumption University, offers a variety of majors in both the sciences and humanities. Some examples of majors in the sciences include Biology, Biotechnology & Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Environmental Science, Health Sciences, Neuroscience, and Physics. On the other hand, majors in the humanities include Classics, Communication, English, French, Graphic Design, History, Italian Studies, Philosophy, Spanish, and Theology.

In addition to these majors, Assumption University offers various interdisciplinary programs, minors, and concentrations. They also have pre-professional programs in fields such as Pre-Dental, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical, and Pre-Veterinary. It's worth noting that the school has a core curriculum that aims to provide a solid foundation in both the sciences and humanities, regardless of your chosen major.

To get a comprehensive understanding of all the academic programs that Assumption University offers, I encourage you to visit their website, where you can find more information about each major and the unique opportunities available at the university.

7 months ago

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