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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best universities per state?

Hi everyone! I'm curious about the top universities in each state and how they compare. Is there a reliable list or source that I can use to help me narrow down my college choices based on this?

7 months ago

Hello! While there isn't a definitive list of the top universities for each state, as rankings can vary depending on the criteria, you can certainly use some well-known sources as a reference point. College-ranking websites like U.S. News & World Report and Forbes both offer yearly lists of top universities by state. Additionally, CollegeVine has a comprehensive college search tool, which can provide you with information on top schools within each state based on various factors.

When comparing universities, it's essential to consider various aspects, such as academics, location, campus culture, financial aid, and more, rather than focusing solely on a school's ranking or reputation. Ranking can give you a general idea of a university's quality, but it might not reveal what truly matters to you or how well a school aligns with your interests and needs.

To make the best decision, spend time researching each university's programs, resources, faculty, and alumni outcomes within your intended field of study. This will enable you to find a school that provides an overall experience that's tailored to your individual preferences and career goals.

Lastly, visit campuses and attend college information sessions, if possible, to get a firsthand impression of the school's culture and vibe. Speaking with current students or alumni can also give you valuable insights into what it's really like to attend a particular university.

Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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