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Bunker Hill Community College application

Hey guys! I'm starting to explore my options for community college and Bunker Hill Community College caught my eye. What's the application process like for this college? Does anyone have any advice or tips for applying to Bunker Hill?

7 months ago

The application process for Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) is relatively straightforward. Here are the key steps and tips you should be aware of when applying:

1. Complete the Online Application: Go to the BHCC website and navigate to the Admissions page. From there, you should complete and submit the online application. The form will ask for your basic personal information, intended program of study, and educational background. As a community college, BHCC has an open enrollment policy, meaning it generally accepts all students who apply, provided they have a high school diploma or GED.

2. Send Transcripts: Request to have your high school or any previously attended college send your transcripts to BHCC. You can submit unofficial transcripts at first, but the college may eventually require official ones.

3. Complete Assessment and Placement Tests: BHCC may require you to take placement tests in math, English, and reading comprehension to determine appropriate course placement. These assessments may be waived if you have satisfactory SAT, ACT, or AP scores, or if you've completed college-level coursework in these subject areas. Check with the Testing Center to see if your scores meet the benchmark for an exemption.

4. Apply for Financial Aid: Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility for financial aid, including federal grants, loans, and work-study programs. BHCC's school code is 011210. Additionally, explore scholarships offered by BHCC through its website or by speaking with the Financial Aid Office.

5. Attend Orientation and Registration: After being accepted and completing any necessary placements tests, you'll need to attend a mandatory orientation session. During this session, you'll be introduced to the campus, learn about available resources, and meet with an academic advisor to plan your course schedule.

6. Register for Courses: Once you've met with an advisor and discussed your academic goals, you'll be able to register for courses online through BHCC's registration portal.

Overall, make sure to stay organized and follow deadlines. If you have any questions during the process, don't hesitate to contact the BHCC Admissions Office for assistance. Best of luck with your application!

7 months ago

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