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SAT: 720 math
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What undergraduate majors does Dartmouth University offer?

Hi, I've been looking into Dartmouth University as a potential college option but I couldn't find specific info on their undergraduate majors. Could someone please share a list or link me to a source where I can find this information? Appreciate the help!

27 days ago

As of the 2024-2025 academic year, Dartmouth University offers a wide range of undergraduate majors across various departments. Some of their undergraduate majors include:

1. Anthropology

2. Art History

3. Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages

4. Astronomy

5. Biochemistry

6. Biology

7. Chemistry

8. Classical Studies

9. Cognitive Science

10. Comparative Literature

11. Computer Science

12. Earth Science

13. Economics

14. Engineering

15. English

16. Environmental Studies

17. Film and Media Studies

18. French

19. Geography

20. German Studies

21. Government

22. History

23. Linguistics

24. Mathematics

25. Music

26. Neuroscience

27. Philosophy

28. Physics

29. Psychology

30. Religion

31. Sociology

32. Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

33. Studio Art

34. Theater

35. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Additionally, Dartmouth offers a few interdisciplinary programs, such as African and African American Studies, Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies, and Native American Studies. Beyond these majors, you can also create a modified major where you can combine areas of study that interest you the most.

For a comprehensive list and detailed information about each major, you can visit Dartmouth's official website (dartmouth.edu) and navigate to their undergraduate majors section.

27 days ago

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