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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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NYU Demographics

New York City is known for being super diverse, and I'm wondering how much this is reflected at NYU. Can anyone give me some info about the demographics of the student body at NYU?

21 days ago

NYU is indeed well-known for its diverse student body, both in terms of its domestic and international students. According to data from NYU’s Fall 2022 profile, the ethnic/racial distribution for undergraduate students breaks down as follows:

- White: 22%

- Asian: 20%

- Hispanic/Latino: 17%

- Black or African-American: 8%

- Multiracial: 4%

- International: 26%

- Other/ Not Reported: 4%

One of the key factors contributing to NYU's diverse student body is its commitment to providing support and resources for first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students. A few of the programs and organizations that promote diversity and inclusivity at NYU include the Center for Multicultural Education and Programs (CMEP), Center for Student Life - Diversity Initiatives, and Posse Foundation, among others.

Overall, NYU offers a rich and diverse environment where students can engage and learn from peers of various cultural, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds.

21 days ago

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