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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Duke Undergraduate Admissions Requirements

Hi all! I'm about to start my college application journey and Duke is one of my top choices. What are the undergraduate admissions requirements for Duke, both academically and in terms of extracurriculars? Thanks in advance!

23 days ago

Hello! Duke is an excellent choice, and it's important to understand their admissions requirements. For academics, although Duke is test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, submitting strong SAT or ACT scores can still bolster your application. If you choose to submit scores, aim for a score around the 50th percentile of admitted students, which is approximately 1490-1570 for the SAT and 34-35 for the ACT. Duke also values a rigorous high school curriculum with AP, IB, or Honors courses.

Your GPA is another crucial factor. Aim for a high GPA, ideally around 4.0 unweighted or above (if applicable). Duke doesn't have a minimum GPA requirement, but keep in mind that the higher your GPA, the better your chances.

Regarding extracurriculars, Duke looks for passionate involvement and significant achievements. Focus on developing a "spike"—a highly developed specialty or area of interest—that sets you apart from other applicants. Engage in activities that showcase your commitment and leadership. It's better to have deep involvement in a few activities rather than shallow participation in many. Aim to have Tier 1 or Tier 2 extracurriculars on your application, displaying achievements at the national or international level, or participation that showcases your dedication and leadership.

Furthermore, make sure your application includes impressive personal essays that highlight your unique perspectives, experiences, and goals. Strong recommendation letters that reflect your academic abilities, community engagement, and character are also essential.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that Duke values diversity and seeks applicants who can contribute to a rich and vibrant campus community. Demonstrating how you can contribute to this through your background, experiences, and passions can improve your chances.

To summarize, focus on maintaining a high GPA, consider submitting strong SAT or ACT scores, develop a distinctive area of interest or achievement, engage deeply in a few extracurricular activities, and write compelling personal essays. Good luck on your college application journey!

23 days ago

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