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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Duke University's City Location

I'm researching colleges and Duke University caught my eye, but I'm not sure what city it's located in. Can anyone tell me the city where Duke University is located? How's the general atmosphere? Thanks!

21 days ago

Duke University is located in Durham, North Carolina, which is part of the Research Triangle area, along with Raleigh and Chapel Hill. The Research Triangle is known for its strong presence of universities, research institutions, tech companies, and thriving startup culture.

The atmosphere in Durham is a blend of both college town and urban living. While the campus itself is quite spacious, featuring a mix of Gothic and modern architecture, the surrounding city of Durham offers a variety of amenities, such as eateries, shops, entertainment, and more. Both the city and the campus are rich in history, providing a vibrant cultural scene.

Duke's campus is characterized by its beautiful gardens and lush green spaces, creating a welcoming environment for both studying and relaxation. The school prides itself on fostering a diverse and tight-knit community, with plenty of extracurricular and social opportunities to help students connect with each other.

Overall, the atmosphere around Duke University is that of a lively, intellectual, and collaborative community, with its location in Durham offering students a well-rounded college experience with easy access to both on-campus and off-campus resources.

21 days ago

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