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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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ECU GPA Scale Conversion?

Hey guys, I'm applying to East Carolina University (ECU) and I'm wondering how they convert our high school GPAs. Does anyone know if they use a specific scale or if there's a way to calculate it to match their system? Thanks!

26 days ago

Hey there! East Carolina University (ECU) converts high school GPAs using a 4.0 unweighted scale for their admissions evaluation. To calculate your unweighted GPA, simply divide the total number of quality points by the total number of course credits. Quality points are assigned based on your letter grades:

- A (90-100) = 4.0 points

- B (80-89) = 3.0 points

- C (70-79) = 2.0 points

- D (60-69) = 1.0 points

- F (below 60) = 0 points

For example, if you've taken 4 courses, and you have two As and two Bs, your unweighted GPA would be calculated as follows: (4.0+4.0+3.0+3.0) ÷ 4 = 3.5.

Make sure to use the above guidelines to convert your high school GPA into ECU's unweighted 4.0 scale. Depending on your school, you may need to consult your transcript to find the letter grades or numerical equivalents of the courses you've taken. Best of luck with your application!

26 days ago

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