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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Popular majors at Fisk University?

Hey folks! I'm considering Fisk University as an option for college, and I'm curious about what majors are popular there. Any current or former students willing to share their experiences? Thank you!

19 days ago

Fisk University offers a variety of majors, but the most popular ones tend to be in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, business, humanities, and fine arts. Some of the more popular specific majors include Biology, Business Administration, Psychology, English, Political Science, and Music.

While these majors tend to be popular at Fisk, it's important to remember that the university has a long history of excellence in the liberal arts, which provides students with a well-rounded education. As a historically black college and university (HBCU), Fisk places a strong emphasis on fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment.

Ultimately, the best major for you will depend on your personal interests and professional goals. Make sure to do some research on Fisk's academic offerings through their website and reach out to their admissions office or current students/alumni if you want to learn more about the community and opportunities available for specific majors.

19 days ago

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