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Florida Atlantic vs. University of Florida - which is better?

Hey everyone! I'm weighing my options between Florida Atlantic University and the University of Florida. What are some pros and cons for each? I'm open to all thoughts and opinions. Thanks!

5 months ago

Both Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and the University of Florida (UF) have their own set of unique characteristics. Let's dive into their pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.

Florida Atlantic University:


1. Location: Located in Boca Raton, FAU is near several beautiful beaches and has a relaxed atmosphere.

2. Smaller class sizes: FAU generally has smaller class sizes than UF, which can lead to more personalized attention.

3. Growing reputation: The university has experienced growth in recent years and offers some strong programs, particularly in nursing and marine biology.


1. Lower overall ranking: FAU might not have the same level of prestige as UF, especially when it comes to certain programs.

University of Florida:


1. Strong academic reputation: UF consistently ranks among the top public universities in the nation. Many of its programs are highly rated, such as engineering, business, and the health sciences.

2. Research opportunities: Being a large research university, UF offers a wide variety of research projects, resources, and funding for undergraduate students.

3. Campus life and school spirit: UF has a lively campus atmosphere with an active student body and robust athletics programs. School spirit and unity are high among students and alumni.


1. Large size: With a large student population, UF has bigger class sizes, and a more competitive atmosphere. It can be harder to form connections with professors and fellow students due to the sheer number of people.

2. Location: Gainesville is more rural and less connected to larger cities, which may not appeal to everyone.

In conclusion, your choice between FAU and UF ultimately comes down to factors like your intended major, personal preferences in terms of campus life, location, and social scene. UF might be a better fit if you're seeking a university with a stronger academic reputation and more opportunities for research and resources. On the other hand, FAU might be the right choice if you prefer a smaller, relaxed environment and being closer to beautiful beach locations.

5 months ago

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