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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any info on colleges in Biddeford, Maine?

I'm looking into potential colleges and came across Biddeford, Maine. What's the general vibe there? Are there any colleges in that area worth considering?

7 months ago

Biddeford, Maine, is a coastal city located about 20 miles south of Portland. It is known for its beautiful coastline, rich history, and vibrant community. In terms of colleges, the University of New England (UNE) has its main campus in Biddeford. UNE is a private university that offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs, with a strong focus on health sciences and liberal arts.

The University of New England has around 6,000 students, including undergraduate, graduate, and online students. The small student body promotes a close-knit community feel, and the campus is located on the scenic coastline, allowing for outdoor recreational activities and easy access to the downtown area.

Some of the popular undergraduate programs at UNE include Health Sciences, Biology, Nursing, Psychology, Marine Science, and Applied Exercise Science. Additionally, they offer graduate programs in areas such as Osteopathic Medicine, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Social Work, and Education.

If you're looking to study in a smaller college environment with a strong focus on health sciences and a beautiful coastal setting, the University of New England in Biddeford might be an excellent option for you. The city of Biddeford offers a small-town feel while still being close to larger cities like Portland, which opens up more opportunities for internships, networking, and cultural experiences.

7 months ago

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