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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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what schools are common app

I'm a bit overwhelmed by the college application process and heard that using the Common App makes it a bit easier. Can someone tell me which schools accept the Common App, and which ones don't? Thanks for your help!

20 days ago

The Common Application, or Common App, is an online platform that streamlines the college application process by allowing you to apply to multiple colleges with one application. As of now, over 900 schools in the United States and some international schools accept the Common App, ranging from large public universities to small liberal arts colleges.

It's important to note that not all schools use the Common App, and some utilize their own application platforms or other application services like the Coalition Application or the Universal College Application. Public schools can sometimes have their own application portals, such as the state schools in California (UC and CSU systems) or Texas (ApplyTexas).

To find out whether a particular school accepts the Common App, you can visit the Common App's website and use their "College Search" tool to search for specific schools or browse their complete list of participating institutions. Make sure to also check a school's official admissions website to confirm and explore their specific requirements, as many colleges impose additional essays or application materials beyond the basic Common App submission.

Remember that even with the Common App, each college may have different supplemental essays, deadlines, and requirements. Make sure to stay organized and stay on top of your application materials for each school.

Good luck with your applications, and I hope the Common App will help simplify your college application process!

20 days ago

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