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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Barry University info

Hi everyone, I've been looking into Barry University and I'm curious about their programs and campus life. Can anyone share some experiences or insights about the school? Any info would be greatly appreciated!

22 days ago

Hello! Barry University is a private, Catholic institution located in Miami Shores, Florida. It offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines such as business, nursing, education, and social work. The class sizes tend to be small, which allows for more personalized attention from professors and fosters a close-knit community among students.

Academically, Barry University is known for its strong nursing, social work, and education programs. In fact, their nursing program is one of the most respected programs in the region, with a solid reputation for producing well-prepared graduates. The School of Education also prepares students to work in diverse educational settings by offering programs that combine theoretical foundations with practical experiences.

As for campus life, Barry University provides a welcoming and inclusive environment, with a diverse student population representing numerous countries and cultures. The school offers many opportunities for students to get involved in clubs, organizations, and activities that cater to various interests, including student government, sports, arts and cultural clubs, and service organizations. There is also an active Greek life on campus, which allows students to further engage in leadership opportunities and social events.

In terms of athletics, Barry University competes at the NCAA Division II level and offers a variety of sports such as basketball, soccer, tennis, and golf. There are also intramural sports and recreational programs available for students who are interested in staying active but prefer a more casual sports setting.

Barry University's location in Miami Shores makes shopping, dining, and entertainment easily accessible to students. The beautiful South Florida beaches are also within close proximity, offering a great balance between city life and natural beauty. Public transportation is available nearby, so exploring Miami and its vibrant neighborhoods is a breeze.

Overall, Barry University offers students an intimate academic setting, a diverse campus community, and an exciting location in South Florida. It's essential to visit the campus and meet with current students and faculty to truly grasp the unique environment and opportunities available at Barry University.

22 days ago

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