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Demographics at Baruch College

Hey guys, I'm considering Baruch College, but I'd like to get a sense of the student body. What's the diversity like there? How would you describe the typical student population? Thanks in advance!

18 days ago

Hi there! Baruch College, part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, is known for its diverse student population. The school's commitment to inclusivity and equity attracts students from various ethnic backgrounds, which creates a rich, multicultural environment.

In terms of race and ethnicity, the demographics of Baruch College generally look like this:

- 32% Asian

- 29% White

- 21% Hispanic/Latino

- 7% Black or African American

- 11% Others (including international students, multi-race/ethnicity, and other race/ethnicity not specified)

The college has a roughly equal gender distribution, with approximately 52% male and 48% female students.

Baruch College is also home to many first-generation college students, with almost a third of the student body identifying as such. Additionally, the vast majority of the student population is from within the state of New York, and a significant portion of the students are from New York City itself.

In summary, Baruch College's student population is incredibly diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, and background. As a commuter school in the heart of New York City, you can expect a vibrant, multicultural environment where students come together from a wide variety of perspectives and experiences, and where you have access to the even broader diversity of New York City itself.

Good luck with your college search - I hope you find this information helpful!

18 days ago

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