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Can colleges tell if I use the same essay for multiple applications?

I've been working on my college applications and I have a really strong essay that I think effectively tells my story. Is it okay to submit this essay to multiple schools? Are colleges able to tell if I'm reusing an essay? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you've got a strong essay that you feel confident about. To answer your question, colleges generally can't tell if you've used the same essay for multiple applications, as long as it's a personal statement and not a school-specific supplemental essay. Many students use the same personal statement for different schools since the Common App, Coalition App, and other application platforms make it convenient to do so. However, it's essential to make sure that your essay addresses the prompt and criteria for each specific application. Try to customize your essay for each college where feasible, even if it's just by mentioning why you're interested in that particular school. At the end of the day, your essay should represent your authentic self, and if you feel that it tells your story effectively, then it should be a great addition to your applications. Best of luck!

a year ago

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