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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best approach to researching universities when making my college list?

Hi guys! I'm a junior gearing up to make my college list, but I want to make sure I'm doing thorough research before deciding on which schools to apply to. There are so many aspects to consider - from academics to campus life to location. How do you recommend I tackle researching universities? By the way, I'm planning to study environmental science. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to see you're being proactive in researching colleges before making your list. From my experience of helping my child through the process, you can take several steps to ensure you're doing a thorough job in finding colleges that fit your interests and goals.

One useful starting point is using college search engines like the College Board's Big Future or CollegeVine, which allow you to filter schools based on criteria such as location, major, class size, etc. Since you mentioned environmental science, you can use these tools to find schools offering strong programs in your field of interest.

Visiting campuses, if possible, gives you a tangible sense of what to expect - if it's not feasible, virtual tours and student vlogs can be excellent alternatives. For a more personal take, reach out to current students or alumni from schools you’re interested in. They can provide insights into the campus culture and academic experience.

Lastly, when you've identified colleges that interest you, explore the course catalog to see if the classes and teaching approaches align with your learning preferences. You can also research faculty in the department – check out their research areas and even reach out if you’re keen on discussing their work.

Hope this helps, and best of luck with your search!

a year ago

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