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List of colleges with high acceptance rates?

Hey all, I'm feeling stressed about college admissions and I’d like to apply to some schools with higher acceptance rates. Can you guys provide a list of colleges with high acceptance rates as safety options? Thanks in advance!

20 days ago

Hello! It's understandable that you're looking for safety options, and applying to schools with higher acceptance rates can help ease some of the stress. Here's a list of colleges with high acceptance rates across the United States:

1. University of Pikeville (Pikeville, KY) - Acceptance rate: 100%

2. University of Texas at El Paso (El Paso, TX) - Acceptance rate: 100%

3. Utah Valley University (Orem, UT) - Acceptance rate: 100%

4. Wayne State College (Wayne, NE) - Acceptance rate: 100%

5. Weber State University (Ogden, UT) - Acceptance rate: 100%

6. Wichita State University (Wichita, KS) - Acceptance rate: 97%

7. Wright State University (Dayton, OH) - Acceptance rate: 97%

8. Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, MI) - Acceptance rate: 96%

9. Ohio University (Athens, OH) - Acceptance rate: 94%

10. University of Akron (Akron, OH) - Acceptance rate: 93%

Keep in mind that a high acceptance rate doesn't necessarily mean that the school is a perfect fit for you. It's important to evaluate each college based on factors like location, size, majors offered, and campus culture to find schools that align with your interests and goals. Also, consider factors like financial aid opportunities, internships, and career services, which can contribute to your overall college experience and future success.

I recommend doing your own research and using resources like CollegeVine, College Board's Big Future, or the U.S. News & World Report college rankings to find colleges with high acceptance rates that match your preferences. Good luck with your college search and the application process!

20 days ago

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