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Looking into colleges in Coffeyville, Kansas

Y'all, I'm curious about the colleges in Coffeyville, Kansas. Any advice or recommendations about schools there? Your input would be much appreciated!

20 days ago

Coffeyville, Kansas has one main higher education institution, which is Coffeyville Community College (CCC). CCC is a public two-year community college that offers a variety of programs and degrees in various fields of study. Let me give you a brief overview of what CCC has to offer:

1. Programs and Degrees: CCC provides associate degrees (AA, AS, AAS, and AGS) that can be transferred to four-year institutions. They offer programs in arts, sciences, and vocational fields such as Business Administration, Allied Health, Nursing, Criminal Justice, and more. They also offer technical and certificate programs like Automotive Technology, Collision Repair Technology, and Welding.

2. Athletics: If you're interested in sports, CCC has several programs for both men and women, including basketball, football, soccer, softball, track and field, and volleyball. The college competes in NJCAA Division II.

3. Financial Aid: CCC offers financial aid to students in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Make sure to complete the FAFSA and contact the financial aid office for more information on what aid may be available to you.

4. Student Organizations and Activities: There are various opportunities for students to get involved on campus through clubs, organizations, and other recreational facilities.

5. Campus and Facilities: CCC's campus is located in Coffeyville, Kansas, which is a small town with a close-knit community. The college has modern facilities, including an updated library, computer labs, and a student union.

Overall, Coffeyville Community College offers a quality education in a small-town setting for those who are looking for a more intimate college experience or aiming to complete an associate’s degree before transferring to a four-year institution. It's crucial to visit the campus (if possible) and talk to current students and faculty to get a better understanding of what the college atmosphere and programs might be like for you.

20 days ago

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