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Any good Chicago area community colleges?

Hey guys! I'm considering attending a community college in the Chicago area for my first two years and then transferring to a four-year university. Can anyone recommend some good community colleges in this area? Thanks!

17 days ago

Sure! There are several excellent community colleges in the Chicago area that you can consider. I'll list a few notable ones below:

1. College of DuPage: Located in Glen Ellyn, College of DuPage is one of the largest community colleges in the United States. It offers a wide range of academic programs and has transfer agreements with several four-year universities, making it easier to transfer credits.

2. Oakton Community College: With campuses in Des Plaines and Skokie, Oakton offers a comprehensive selection of courses and academic programs. The college is known for its small class sizes and supportive faculty, which create a conducive learning environment.

3. Harper College: Situated in Palatine, Harper College has a strong reputation for its transfer programs and partnerships with local universities. Additionally, it has an extensive selection of career-focused and technical programs.

4. Triton College: Located in River Grove, Triton College provides a comprehensive education with a focus on affordability. The college offers a wide range of academic and career programs, along with strong transfer support for students planning to continue their education at four-year institutions.

5. Moraine Valley Community College: Based in Palos Hills, Moraine Valley emphasizes a supportive learning environment and offers various degree and certificate programs. They also have strong transfer partnerships with many universities in the region.

Remember to research each college's offerings and visit campuses if possible to find the best fit for your interests and needs. Most community colleges have transfer agreements with four-year universities, so make sure to check the transfer requirements and work closely with your academic advisor to plan your coursework accordingly. Good luck in your college journey!

17 days ago

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