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Majors offered at Oglethorpe University?

Hey y'all! I've been looking into Oglethorpe University and wanted to learn more about their offered majors. Does anyone have any information on the most popular majors there or some unique ones they might have?

24 days ago

Hello! Oglethorpe University offers a diverse range of majors across different fields. While I can't list all of them, I can provide you with some popular and unique ones that stand out.

Some popular majors at Oglethorpe include:

1. Business Administration

2. Psychology

3. Biology

4. Communication Studies

5. English

Oglethorpe also offers some unique majors and interdisciplinary programs, such as:

1. Urban Ecology: This major combines environmental studies, biology, and urban planning to equip students with the knowledge to address ecological challenges in urban environments.

2. Film and Media Studies: This interdisciplinary program focuses on film history, theory, and analysis, as well as the connections between media and culture.

3. Individually Planned Major: This option allows students to work closely with faculty members to design their own major by selecting courses that align with their interests and career goals.

Additionally, Oglethorpe provides various minors and pre-professional programs to complement students' primary majors. Keep in mind that the university also emphasizes a liberal arts and sciences education, allowing for a well-rounded academic experience.

You can explore the full list of majors, minors, and programs offered by Oglethorpe by visiting their website's academics section for more comprehensive information. Good luck with your college search!

24 days ago

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