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SAT: 720 math
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Public colleges in Miami, Florida?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior looking into attending a public college in the Miami area. What are some good schools to consider and why? Thanks for the help!

17 days ago

Hi there! Miami and its surrounding area has a few public colleges that are worth considering. Here's a list of three:

1. Florida International University (FIU): FIU is one of the largest universities in the country with over 56,000 students. It offers more than 190 programs, including well-regarded Business, Engineering, and Hospitality Management programs. It also has a diverse student body and various research opportunities.

2. Miami Dade College (MDC): MDC is the largest community college in the nation, with more than 100,000 students across eight campuses. It offers a wide range of associate degree programs and a select number of bachelor's degree programs. MDC is known for its strong nursing, education, and business programs. As a community college, MDC is also an affordable option and a pathway to transfer to a four-year institution.

3. University of Miami (UM): Although technically a private university, UM is worth considering due to its outstanding reputation and proximity to Miami. With strong programs in business, engineering, and marine sciences, UM offers over 100 majors and programs. It's also well-known for its commitment to research.

Each of these institutions has its own strengths and offerings, so it's important to research further and consider factors such as your desired major, campus environment, and available resources. Additionally, take the time to visit the campuses (if possible) to get a better sense of the atmosphere and which one might be the best fit for you. Good luck with your college search!

17 days ago

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