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What are some good state colleges and universities in New Jersey?

Hi, I'm a junior who lives in New Jersey and I'm looking to stay in-state for college. Can anyone give me a list of state colleges and universities in NJ that have solid programs and campus life?

21 days ago

Hi! There are several state colleges and universities in New Jersey that offer solid programs and campus life. Here's a list of some of the most well-regarded public institutions in the state:

1. Rutgers University: Rutgers has three campuses: New Brunswick (the largest and most diverse campus), Newark, and Camden. It offers a wide range of majors and has strong programs in business, engineering, and the sciences.

2. The College of New Jersey (TCNJ): Located in Ewing Township, TCNJ has a reputation for excellent academics and a competitive admission process. The school offers a range of undergraduate programs, and it is particularly known for its education, engineering, and business programs.

3. Montclair State University: Located in Montclair, this university offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs with strengths in education, business, and the arts. If you end up applying to Montclair State and want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, I'd check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-montclair-state-university-essays

4. Rowan University: Situated in Glassboro, Rowan University boasts strong programs in the sciences and engineering, as well as education and business. Rowan also has a good cooperative education program that allows students to gain hands-on experience in their field of study during their college career.

5. Kean University: Located in Union, Kean University is known for its programs in education, psychology, and business, among others. It offers a diverse range of majors with smaller class sizes in comparison to many other state schools.

6. New Jersey City University (NJCU): Located in Jersey City, NJCU offers a variety of undergraduate programs. It is particularly well-regarded for its education, music, and business programs, and has easy access to New York City just across the Hudson River.

7. William Paterson University: Situated in Wayne, this university offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs, with strengths in communication, nursing, education, and business.

8. Stockton University: Located in Galloway, Stockton University is known for its beautiful campus and strong programs in the sciences, environmental studies, and social sciences.

Keep in mind that the best institution for you will depend on your specific interests and goals. While all of these schools are state institutions in New Jersey, they can still differ quite a bit in terms of overall vibe. So, be sure to research each college's program offerings, campus environment, and location to find the best fit for your academic endeavors and personal preferences.

Good luck with your college search!

21 days ago

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