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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Texas Southern location?

Hey everyone, I'm interested in knowing more about the location of Texas Southern University. Can someone give me some insights into the campus surroundings, safety, and local amenities? Thanks!

19 days ago

Sure! Texas Southern University (TSU) is located in Houston, Texas, in the Third Ward neighborhood. The campus is just southeast of downtown Houston, allowing you easy access to the city's various attractions, such as museums, parks, shopping centers, and restaurants.

Houston is a diverse and vibrant city with numerous cultural and entertainment areas to explore. You'll be close to the Houston Museum District, which includes popular museums like the Houston Museum of Natural Science and the Museum of Fine Arts, as well as Hermann Park and the Houston Zoo. The downtown area has a thriving arts scene, including the famous Theater District, and offers a wide range of dining and nightlife options catering to different tastes and budgets.

As for safety, it's essential to exercise caution and stay vigilant, as you would in any urban setting. Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night, and consider traveling with friends or in groups when possible. You can also take advantage of on-campus safety resources, such as campus police and safety escorts.

In terms of local amenities, TSU has campus dining options and a well-equipped recreation center. Furthermore, being in a big city like Houston provides you with access to major retailers and grocery stores, as well as public transportation, including buses and the METRORail light rail system. With the light rail, you can easily explore other parts of the city, such as Midtown, Downtown, and the Texas Medical Center, as well as find convenient connections to other bus routes.

Overall, the location of Texas Southern University combines an urban setting with easy access to both on-campus resources and the diverse offerings of Houston.

19 days ago

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