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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Distinguishing characteristics of a tier 1 research university?

As a junior, I'm starting to look into college opportunities. I've seen the term 'tier 1 research university' used quite a bit. Can someone explain the unique features of these universities, and what makes them so desirable for students pursuing research?

a year ago

Hey there! A tier 1 research university typically refers to a college or university that has a strong focus on research and receives a significant amount of funding for it. These institutions often have great facilities, resources, and faculty members who are experts in their respective fields.

Such universities can be an excellent choice for students who are passionate about research because they provide plenty of opportunities for undergraduate research, cutting-edge projects, and collaboration with renowned scholars. Additionally, these universities often have strong partnerships with various industries and research institutes, which would be beneficial for networking and potential job placements after graduation.

For example, my child is currently attending a tier 1 research university and had the opportunity to participate in a research project on renewable energy during their freshman year. They've gained valuable experience and skills while working alongside their professors and graduate students in the lab.

a year ago

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