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What are the Major Offerings at Western Illinois?

I've been looking into schools recently and saw Western Illinois University pop up on my radar. Can someone give me a rundown of the majors available at the university? I haven't decided on a specific field yet, so I want to keep my options open.

a month ago

Western Illinois University (WIU) is a public university known for its comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Here's an overview of some of the major fields of study offered at WIU, but keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list:

1. Business: WIU's College of Business and Technology offers majors in areas such as accounting, finance, management, marketing, and supply chain management.

2. Education: The College of Education and Human Services has programs in disciplines like early childhood education, elementary education, special education, and physical education.

3. Arts and Sciences: The College of Arts and Sciences provides a variety of majors, including English, history, political science, psychology, sociology, mathematics, and various STEM fields like biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science.

4. Fine Arts and Communication: This college offers majors in art, music, theatre, graphic design, broadcasting, and journalism.

5. Health Sciences: Within this field, WIU offers majors such as nursing, public health, and health services management.

6. Agriculture: The School of Agriculture provides majors in areas like agricultural business, agriculture, and animal science.

7. Recreation, Park, and Tourism Administration: WIU's program focuses on areas like recreation and park administration, tourism management, and therapeutic recreation.

8. Law Enforcement and Justice Administration: This program trains students for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, homeland security, and related areas.

9. Environmental Science: Focus areas include conservation biology, natural resources management, and environmental communications.

As you're exploring your options, I recommend visiting WIU's academic program page (https://www.wiu.edu/academics/majors/) to get a comprehensive look at all the majors and minors available. You can also learn about specific course requirements and department information by navigating through their website. This should help you understand the academic offerings and find a program that aligns with your interests and goals.

a month ago

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