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Are AP scores of 4 considered good for Ivy League admissions?

I have received mostly 4s on my AP exams so far. Are these scores competitive enough for Ivy League schools, or should I aim for 5s on the remaining exams?

a year ago

AP scores of 4 are generally considered good scores, as they represent a strong understanding of the material and well-developed skills. However, when it comes to Ivy League schools, a score of 5 is always more favorable due to the competitive nature of these schools. Nevertheless, earning a 4 on some of your AP exams won't necessarily disqualify you from being a competitive applicant to Ivy League schools.

It's important to remember that admissions committees review applicants holistically, considering a variety of factors rather than just AP scores. They look at the rigor of academic coursework, extracurricular involvement, GPA, and standardized test scores, among other things. While it's true that high AP scores can strengthen your application, it's the combination of all of these factors that will make the biggest difference.

That being said, it's still worth striving for those 5s on your remaining AP exams if you can manage it without compromising other aspects of your application. Ultimately, demonstrating an upward trend in your academic performance and showing commitment to challenging yourself will make a strong impression on admissions committees.

a year ago

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