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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need advice: Applying to Ivy League as an international student.

Hey everyone! I'm an international student from a small country, considering applying to a few Ivy League schools. I was wondering if there are any challenges I should be aware of or specific strategies that could increase my chances of getting accepted. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful to hear that you're considering applying to Ivy League schools as an international student. There are a few challenges to be aware of, but there are strategies that can help you overcome them and improve your chances of getting accepted.

Ivy League universities value diversity, so showcasing your unique background and experiences can work in your favor. Make sure to emphasize your international perspective, cultural experiences, or language skills in your essays and extracurriculars.

Financial aid availability can be more limited for international students, so it's crucial to research each institution's financial aid policies and, if necessary, look into other financial resources like scholarships or loans. Some schools might offer need-blind admissions, which means they don't take your financial status into account while making their decision.

Start working on your standardized English test scores (like the TOEFL, IELTS) early on, as these are often required for international applicants. Additionally, make sure your application is complete, as missing documentation can delay or hurt your admission chances. Best of luck with your Ivy League applications!

a year ago

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