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How should I write a university research paper?

Hi everyone, I'm working on a research paper for an application to a university honors program, and I'm feeling a bit stressed out about how to structure and write it. My paper focuses on the influence of social media on political activism. Does anyone have any advice or tips on writing a strong university research paper? Your help is much appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! It's completely normal to feel stressed during this process. I remember when my child had to write a research paper for their college application. Here are some tips that may help you:

1. Start with a clear thesis statement that concisely addresses the main point of your research.

2. Follow a traditional research paper structure - introduction, methodology, main findings, analysis, conclusion, and references. Make sure to clearly outline your methods, such as if you conducted surveys, analyzed existing research, or other approaches.

3. Keep your paragraphs focused on proving your thesis. Offer examples and evidence to support each claim you make.

4. Cite reputable sources and data to back up your arguments. Don't forget to format your citations and bibliography correctly (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) based on your university's guidelines.

5. Proofread your paper carefully and watch out for grammatical errors.

Take a deep breath and remember that as long as you stay organized and focused, you'll do just fine! Good luck with your research paper!

a year ago

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