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Do any Ivy League schools have Greek life?

Hello, as I'm researching different colleges, I'm wondering if any Ivy League schools have Greek life on their campuses. I've heard that Greek life can offer networking opportunities and a strong sense of community, but I'm not sure how common it is among the Ivy League. Can anyone provide some info on this? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi! It's great that you're considering different aspects of college life while narrowing down your options. Yes, many Ivy League schools do have Greek life organizations on their campuses. While the presence and impact of Greek life can vary between schools, it's definitely a part of the social landscape at several Ivy League institutions.

For example, Dartmouth College has a relatively prominent Greek life scene, with around half of the eligible students participating. Similarly, the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell have a decent number of fraternities and sororities. On the other hand, some schools like Harvard and Yale have less traditional Greek life and more focused on their residential college systems. While Princeton does not have traditional Greek life, many students say the Eating Clubs on campus fulfill a similar role.

Ultimately, it's important to visit the schools and talk to current students to get a better sense of the campus culture and see if Greek life, or the alternate social opportunities, align with your interests and expectations. Best of luck in your research!

a year ago

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