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Balancing athletics and academics in Ivy League admissions?

Hey everyone! I'm a varsity swimmer and an aspiring molecular biology major, and I'm starting to look at Ivy League schools. How can I balance showcasing my athletic commitments with my academic achievements in my applications, so the admissions committees get a well-rounded view of me? I'm considering schools like Yale, Columbia, and Harvard. Thanks for your advice!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to see you're putting thought into showcasing both your athletic and academic strengths in your applications. My suggestion for you would be to dedicate different sections of the application to emphasizing your accomplishments in both areas. For instance, you can list achievements and honors from both your athletic and academic experiences where appropriate in the Common App sections.

When you write your personal statement, you can choose a topic that connects these two pursuits or show how one has influenced the other. For instance, you could discuss how being a swimmer taught you time management, discipline, and teamwork, which helped you excel in your molecular biology studies.

Lastly, you can ask your coaches and science teachers to write recommendation letters for you, helping to further highlight both aspects of your high school career. With these strategies, you'll be able to present a well-rounded image of yourself to the admissions committees. Good luck!

a year ago

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