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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Morehead State University location?

Hello, fellow students! I've been researching Morehead State University and wanted to know more about its location. Can anyone here share some information on where it's located?

a month ago

Morehead State University is located in the city of Morehead, which is in the northeastern region of Kentucky, United States. The city of Morehead is situated in Rowan County and is relatively small, with a population around 8,000 residents. The university's campus has a scenic setting surrounded by the Daniel Boone National Forest, providing students with beautiful views and numerous opportunities for outdoor recreation.

Morehead is about 65 miles east of Lexington, the second-largest city in Kentucky, and roughly 140 miles southeast of Louisville, which is the largest city in the state. Apart from natural beauty, Morehead has a welcoming, small-town feel offering various local shops and restaurants, while still providing easy access to larger cities for additional cultural offerings and entertainment venues.

a month ago

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