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SAT: 720 math
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University of Chicago GPA Requirements?

Hi, I'm planning on applying to the University of Chicago, and I'd like to know what the required GPA is for admission. Does anyone have an idea about what they look for? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

23 days ago

The University of Chicago doesn't have a specific minimum GPA requirement for admission. However, it is a highly selective school with a low acceptance rate, and admitted students typically have very strong academic backgrounds.

To give you an idea, the middle 50% GPA range for admitted students at the University of Chicago is around 4.18 to 4.27 on a weighted 4.0 scale. This means that a majority of admitted students are near or at the top of their high school classes. However, note that this is only a general observation and does not guarantee admission as the university employs a holistic review process, which considers various factors in addition to academic performance, including extracurriculars, essays, and recommendations.

It's essential to put your best foot forward in all aspects of your application, and although GPA is a crucial factor, make sure to focus on other components that can make your application stand out, such as your essay and extracurricular activities. Good luck with your application!

23 days ago

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