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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can we classify Purdue as a research university?

Hi everyone, I've been looking at Purdue University as a potential college choice for engineering. I'm curious about whether Purdue is considered a research university. If so, can you share any insights on the research opportunities for undergraduates, especially in mechanical engineering? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi there! Yes, Purdue University is definitely considered a research university. It is well-regarded for its strong engineering programs, including mechanical engineering. Purdue is classified as an R1 institution by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions, which means it has the highest level of research activity among American universities.

As for research opportunities for undergraduates, Purdue offers a lot of options, particularly in the field of engineering. There are research internship programs, such as the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF), which allow students to work closely with faculty on cutting-edge research projects.

Additionally, many professors and laboratories at Purdue actively involve undergraduates in their research endeavors. You can connect with professors or graduate students in your field of interest to learn more about possible research opportunities. Purdue also holds annual events like the Undergraduate Research Conference, which allows presenting your work and learning from other students' research experiences.

Overall, you will find plenty of research opportunities at Purdue University, especially within the engineering field, making it an excellent choice for pursuing mechanical engineering. Good luck!

a year ago

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