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Oregon University Demographics

Hi, I'm interested in applying to Oregon University and wanted to get an idea of the student demographics. What does the student body look like in terms of race, gender, and geographic distribution?

22 days ago

Hi! While I can't provide specific percentages that may change from year to year, I can give you a general overview of the student demographics at the University of Oregon. The student body is relatively diverse, but keep in mind these are approximations and can change from year to year.

Race and Ethnicity: The University of Oregon has a diverse student population. The largest groups represented are White students, followed by Hispanic/Latino students, then Asian students. African American, Native American, Pacific Islander, and students identifying with two or more races make up smaller percentages of the student body. International students also contribute to the diversity of the campus.

Gender: The gender distribution at the University of Oregon is fairly balanced, with a slightly higher percentage of female students than male students.

Geographic Distribution: As a public university, the University of Oregon has a large proportion of in-state students, primarily coming from Oregon. However, there is representation from all 50 states and a significant portion of students coming from California and other states in the Pacific Northwest. Additionally, international students make up a small but notable percentage of the student population, coming from various countries around the world.

For the most accurate and up-to-date demographic information, I'd recommend checking the University of Oregon's website or their latest Common Data Set, where they provide detailed, yearly statistics on their student body. This will help you get the most accurate picture of the current student demographics.

22 days ago

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